Our Values

  • Debottlenecking Growth

    We believe that a company’s valuation is determined by its anticipated growth and the certainty of that growth occurring. Improving the understanding of growth and the risk and risk mitigation associated with it can have immediate benefits to all stakeholders.

  • Conservative Approach

    We want to deal with the known data about the company, its performance, and the data about what is highly certain to occur. Areas of large uncertainty translate into higher risk from an investment perspective and that higher risk impairs company valuation and the enterprise’s ability to contribute to the communities it touches. Reliable and profitable growth is always the goal.

  • Long-Term Horizon

    We believe in being persistent about good companies and good growth opportunities. Things do not always go according to plan and persistence and midcourse corrections are often what it takes to achieve the objective. We believe in getting involved in objectives that are worth it and being persistent about doing what it takes to get there.