Netanyahu warns of potential 'eruption of AI-driven wars' that could lead to 'unimaginable' consequences

'The AI revolution is progressing at lightning speed,' Netanyahu told the U

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the world is on the cusp of an artificial intelligence revolution that could launch nations into prosperous times or lead to all-out destruction fueled by devastating high-tech wars.

"The AI revolution is progressing at lightning speed," Netanyahu said during his U.N. General Assembly speech last week. "It took centuries for humanity to adapt to the agricultural revolution. It took decades to adapt to the industrial revolution. We may have but a few years to adapt to the AI revolution."

Talk of artificial intelligence at the U.N. was hardly common just a few years ago. But after the release of ChatGPT's wildly popular chatbot that can mimic human conversation and other AI-powered platforms, AI has become a hot topic among world leaders.

Netanyahu's speech focused on building a peaceful "new Middle East," and cited relations between Israel and Saudi Arabia as evidence of this intention. He devoted the latter half of his speech to the future of AI and the "perils" the technology poses.


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